- Mat四岁时已经开始第一次骑行。 Matt already made his first rounds as a four year old.
- mat中较短的?和mad中的较长的?是语音变体。 The relatively short (?) of mat and the relatively long (?) of mad are allophones.
- MAT考试测试英语知识和分辨概念间关系的能力。 The MAT measures knowledge of English and the ability to recognize relationships between ideas.
- 单词 mat 中较短的 [A]和单词 mad 中较长的 A是音素的变形。 The relatively short [A] of mat and the relatively long [A] of mad are allophones.
- 在国际象棋中的checkmate(将死 [对方的“王”])来自波斯语shah mat(国王死了)。 In chess, checkmate came from the Persian shah mat ("the king is dead").
- 早在1995年,也就是Mat Nelson开始在IBM做全职工作之前,他就开始使用Java语言了。 Mat Nelson began working with the Java language way back in 1995, just before he joined IBM full time.
- 辨别的;在音素上有关的且能在意义上加以区分的,如“mat”首音的鼻化与“bat”相区别 phonemically relevant and capable of conveying a difference in meaning,as nasalization in the initial sound of mat versus bat
- 音位,音素语言中最小的语音单位,可以表达意义上的区别,如英语里mat中的m和bat中的 The smallest phonetic unit in a language that is capable of conveying a distinction in meaning, as the m of mat and the b of bat in English.
- 音位,音素语言中最小的语音单位,可以表达意义上的区别,如英语里mat中的m和bat中的b。 The smallest phonetic unit in a language that is capable of conveying a distinction in meaning,as the m of mat and the b of bat in English.
- 论述了通过MATLAB应用程序接口(API)和MAT LAB编译器实现和VC混合编程的原理与方法。 The principles and the hybrid programming method of MATLAB and VC++ through MATLAB API and MATLAB compliers are introduced.
- 介绍了Matlab与VC++交互编程的几种方法,包括调用Matlab引擎、C语言mex程序、mat文件操作程序等方法; In this paper many skills at the interactive programming for Matlab and VC++ such as Matlab engine,C-Language mex program,mat file operating program are discussed,especially the usage of Matlab Visual Studio Add-in is discussed in detail.
- 介绍了数字信号处理及MATLAB的特点,以窗函数法设计有限冲激响应(FIR)数字滤波器(DF)为例,说明了MAT-LAB在数字信号处理中的应用。 The paper introduces the characteristics of digital signal processing and MATLAB,designs finite impulse response(FIR)digital filter(DF) with the window function by an example,and explains the application in the digital signal processing of MATLAB.
- 本文应用Finnigan Mat 1020 GC/MS仪,以SE-54熔融硅毛细柱作分离柱,建立了尸体脏器中敌百虫及其主要代谢物DDVP和水合氯醛的分析方法。 Finnigan Mat 1020 GC/MS instrument and SE-54-fused silicon capillary column were adoptedto develop method for determining trichlorfon and its major metabolites, DDVP and chloralhy.
- 目的:研究苦参碱(Matrine,Mat)对醛固酮(aldosterone,Ald)诱导新生大鼠心肌成纤维细胞(Cardiac Fibroblasts,CFs)增殖及胶原代谢的影响,探讨其抑制心肌纤维化的机制。 AIM: To investigate the effects of matrine on the proliferation and collagen synthesis of rat cardiac fibroblasts(CFs) induced by aldosterone(Ald),to research the mechanism of regression of heart fibrosis.
- 具有多种光谱仪器光谱格式 (SPC、TXT、JWS、MAT、ASF等 )兼容性 ,光谱分析功能全面性 ,算法 (PCR、PL S、GA、ANN、Wavelet、Wavelet Package等 )多样性 ,软件系统易维护性 ,用户使用操作方便性等特点。 In this system, many spectral formats, such as SPC, TXT, JWS, MAT, ASF, are compatible, function and algorithms, such as PCR, PLS, GA, ANN, Wavelet, Wavelet Package, are provided. The system is of stability and security, and can be maintained and used easily.